Hats Off
To Our Supporters
Helping a child find joy in their journey with cancer takes teamwork.
We couldn’t do it without the help of the many individuals,
businesses, and teams that contribute in support of our mission.
CHAMPIONS ($9,600+)
*Provide for 32 kids as CKSC teammates
M.V.P.s ($2,400+)
*Provide for 8 kids as CKSC teammates
STRIKERS ($1,200+)
*Provide for 4 kids as CKSC teammates
*Provide for 2 kids as CKSC teammates


Amber and Marcus Abney
Sally and John Adams
Victoria Bartels
Mandy and Chad Bloodworth
Lindsey and Brett Borm
Hector Cantele
Connie and David Chance
Michelle and Chris Clothier
Nicole and Brett Clothier
Sherry and Kent Clothier, Sr.
Dawn and Chris Coletta
Jennifer Cordell
Hayley and Brian Daniel
The Dye Family
Stacy and Jim Flores
Trish and Bill Floyd
Laurie and Shea Ford
Theresa and Terry Forrest
Kimberly and Steve Fracchia
Allison and Will Frazier
Linda and Gary Frazier
The Genho Family
Callye and Ignacio Gil
Amy and Al Gatti
Jenny and Scott Harris
Kati and Rees Hodges
Ryan Hodgson
Connie and Thermon Knighten
Kristie and Jonathan Lyons
Joy and Tim Manz
Donna and Jon McCreery
Jessica and Michael McLaughlin
Kirsten Ness
Emily and Adam Patterson
Lauren and Andrew Patterson
Gay and Michael Reece
Ursula and Josh Roman
Maggie and Carl Schmitt
Allison and Chris Seaman
Jerry Statham
Ainsley Stonebrook
Judith and Edward Stonebrook
Tracey and Ryan Stonebrook
Wade Stonebrook
Jessica and David Stooksbury
Kim Talley
Martha Vopel
Rebecca and Luther Waldrep
Ginger and Lance Wilson
Jaime and Kevin Wilson
Rachel and Jeff Yearwood
Germantown Legends 2006 Boys Team
Coached by Shawn Loth
2012 Lady Legends Team
Coached by Ted Bartels
Germantown Legends 2005 Black Team
Coached by Phil McDonnell

Germantown Legends U6 Rec Team
Coached by Brett Borm
FANS ($25-$299)
Katherine Arenas
Carolyn and Charles Baxley
Court Beland
Kate Blank
Jennifer Bosworth
Olga Bove
Jill Bowman
Ryan Brinkley
Matt Brint
April and Matt Britt
James Brown
Lawren Buckingham
Patrick Byrne
Cheyenne Caldwell
Morgan and Blake Clothier
Seema and Kent Clothier, Jr.
Tracey Collins
Cindy and Brian Couch
Hope and Will Covington
Mark Davidoski
Vana Dawidow
Judy Dawson
Katrin Denegri
Robin Devore
Connie Diffee
Becky Dowdle
Anne and Woodson Dunavant
Hillery and Edward Efkeman
Suzanne Erickson
Megan Ernest
Stephen French
Wayne Garman
Alexandra Garrison
Ylenia and Hugh Garrison
Dianna George
Maggie and Nick Glaser
Mimi and Greg Gibson
Yvette Gonzalez
Stacey and Jon Habans
Hala Hamze
Nathan Helm
Jennifer and Joel Hobson
Kim Hummel
Jeremy Jessop
Katy Johnson
Rachel and Austin Jones
Season and Kevin Jones
Marilyn and Drew Koester
Michelle Kooy
Pavan Krishnai
Todd LaFountaine
Wendy Lee
Emma Long
Bertha Loredo
Garland Lynn
Chris and Steve Martin
Lisa Mason
Marcy and Tommy Maurer
Rebekah McCarthy
Corinne McLaughlin
Noel Mendive
Kelly and Adam Moore
Rebeca Neves
One4All Charitable Fund
Maura and Adam Parks
Michael Pickett
Laura Pietro
Dominique Price
Vaness Ramir
Gloria and Joseph Ramsey
Kayla Ratliff
Seth Reeks
Tree Reese
Deanna Rich
Brad Robertson
Rebecca Rogers
Jackie Roos
Katherine Rosenfeld
Jerry Ruby
Antonio Rupcic
Abby and Patrick Sala
Charlie Scheel
Rebecca Sheen
Ashley Somogyi
Stephen Southward
Dolly Staten
Mary and Terry Stonebrook
Janice Toshach
Scott Vallier
Earl Van Nance
Tracye Weir
Morgan and Brandon Westbrook
Chelsea Whisnant
Terry and Glenn Williams
Kerry Wilson
Jason Young
Meg and Kolby Young